- Enter the domain
- Observe the appearance of the domain
- Find the fear
- Talk to the fear
- See what it wants to show me
- Ask a few latter questions
- Leave
“So you came to me first”, It said sleepily, without looking at me, “Come on, we don’t have much time”. It started scurrying towards the opposite end of the clearing
“How do you like Eden?” it asked me as we walked towards whatever it wanted to show me.
“You shouldn't call it Edan,”, I replied, “it's insulting and rude. This place is nothing like The Garden of Eden”.
“Well then”, it replied, with a hint of antagonism in his/her/its/xes voice, “How do you know it not like Eden?”
“I’ve read the bible, abomination, every chapter. Genesis said...” I pulled out a bible (ESV) and flipped to the page, “Genesis said... ‘8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.’ ” I closed the book, put it carefully back, and continued. “This place is a nasty swamp full of ruin, muck, and decaying plant matter. One has to be careful where one steps here, as not to fall into sinkholes and dubrey of the structures that were one standing. This is not a paradise, more like a limbo.” I pointed to a group of afflicted. They were walking about aimlessly, with slightly blissful expressions on the faces. “behold, your servants. Here there go, stumbling about in the half awake stupor that you’ve put them in.” The dormouse looked where I pointed. It sighed sleepily.
“Well,” it replied , trudging along, “As you will...will....will....”it sat down, and started to snore. I kicked it far down the path, which cause the entire domain to shrieked in surprise and pain. The Dormouse got up and turned angrily towards me. vines started sliding towards me.
“I apologize”, I said sincerely, “it's just that your annoyingly slow.”
“...Understandable” it replied sadly. The vines withered, as did most of the domain, leaving only a field of dead grass and ash. The Afflicted slumped down to the ground and went into the feudal position. “Everyone thinks I’m slow.” it continued, “Even brother and sister think i'm slow.”. It pause for a moment. It was now looking at the ground. “I never wanted to play the game” it said remorsefully, “It's too hard. Most of the fears are much more powerful, not to mention around longer. I haven't tried much, and i haven't had much experience. All I want is to sleep forever, *yewhn* and it's so peaceful there. I want everyone to feel that peace.”” It curled up on the ground and fell asleep, mumbling as it did so. I blinked hard, then looked around. the inter domain disintegrated to a greenish ash, and began to swirl slowly around the sleeping mouse. no, not a mouse, a wad of a plant. it looked like some form of baby creature, but which one no one could tell. I stood there for a while
“Well...that was an extreme response...the ####?!”. And with that I formed a doorway and exited. Best move on. Let the boy sleep.
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