Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Entry #12: The Plan

well that meeting went well. It seems a lot of people are trying to commit suicide this year. ok. so i woke up few minutes after the bird boy left, i guess. i started to unpack a little. pulled out my computer and checked my email (yes, i get Wi-Fi in the pantheon of horror). i got something from Ghost. good guy Ghost. he enter the universe through a door leading out out of the part of the empty city that was in his universe, entering our empty city. somehow he made it to the archive, and got a little amnesia, so that he can remember what his universe was like, all except for the archive, the blind man, and a few other fears. and Neomaria. apparently, the archive had tried to create a new fear by injecting Nightlander DNA into her, which i find compety wrong and sick. then she escaped and ended up in our universe. also, did i mention that the estimated time of her giving birth is a few days from now. that's what he told me in the email. so now i half to convince our alliance of the fear’s that i am on, The Pestilence, Sirius, The Slender Man, the Ey- oh, sorry, Ghost mentioned that he changed his title to Mister Oculus, The Blind Man, and The Vision, among others, to help me and Ghost track down Neomaria to help with the giving birth situation, and convince the newly born fear to help us in this new portion of the the divine contest. wish us luck. whoever is reading this.

Listening to: Gigan, by Mochipet

Yes, i felt like posting what i was listening to right now. deal with it.


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